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CAN Specialist Brooke

Aerobic Exercise Alters Brain Function and Structure in Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD), caused by a loss of neurons producing dopamine, was studied to see how aerobic exercise affects the brain structure and function in patients with PD. Aerobic exercise was found to increase cognitive control and reduce shrinkage of the brain in general. Additionally, structural changes were found that are associated with improvements in fitness. Aerobic exercise was found to stimulate beneficial changes to brain networks affected in Parkinson's.

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My spouse was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. His symptoms included excruciating calf pain, muscular aches, tremors, slurred speech, frequent falls, loss of balance, and trouble standing up from a seated posture. After six months on Senemet, Siferol was given to him in place of the Senemet. It was also at this period that he was diagnosed with dementia. He began seeing hallucinations and became detached from reality. With the doctor's approval, we stopped giving him Siferol and chose to try the Ability Health Center PD-5 protocol, which we had previously investigated. After three months of therapy, he has made significant progress. The illness has been completely contained. There are no symptoms of persistent twitching, weakness, tremors, hallucinations, or muscle soreness.…

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